Friday, April 25, 2008

Whiffle Ball

~Little action shot~
~Not really keepin' the eye on the ball~


~See my intensity~

Today was such a nice day, so after dinner, me and boys decided to play outside for awhile. I took this opportunity to introduce the boys to tee/whiffle ball. Actually, just taking turns hitting the ball off of the tee. After a couple of technical difficulties with Sadie not wanting to return the ball after it was hit, the boys got the groove. Ofcourse we had to have a couple of safety rules which was when the batter was going to bat, the other person had to be behind a block that was on the ground. Nicholas had a little harder time with this whole process because he wanted to be by his brother when he was hitting. After figuring out that he wasn't going to be able to bat until he followed the rules, he quickly got with the program. It was pretty cool hearing them say whose turn it was when each had their time to bat. "Zackie's turn" "Nicka's turn". It does show they can be somewhat civil when they want to. Gotta love those boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok I just have to say that the 2 photos below of Nicholas in his Bengals shirt look EXACTLY like you when you were his age. WEIRD! It's like looking at your really young twin. haha. They really got the hang of that whiffle ball pretty quickly. Looks like you guys were having a great time. What's that green stuff they're standing on. (LOL)