Thursday, May 15, 2008

Looking back...

It is amazing how time flys. You blink and your newborn son is 3, he has a brother that is 2 and on the way is number three. It makes ya have to take a step back and realize, you better make the best of the days that God gives you. Speaking of God, He has truly blessed us.
Gotta love that smile. Leanne was and still is such a trooper. That lil bugger caused some excitement.

Well do to some technical difficulties, I wasn't able to put any baby pics of Nicholas at this time. As I was looking back at these pictures and others of all the people in our lives that held Zachary and Nicholas, it is still good to know that many of them are still there helping us out with these boys. God only knows that we couldn't do this on our own, so here's a hats off to all of those that were there then and are still there now helping us to raise these boys.

Now that we have him in the car, What's Next?????? ...And you know what, we are still asking that question.

Zachary was quite the sight to behold. Such a cutie...and then he turned three...Just kidding

Pretty amazing stuff. Zachary at 5lbs and some ounces...

I know it has been awhile since I have done anything on this blog and looking at my sister's blog, I knew I needed to get back in the game. She also gave me a good idea of something to put on here. A look back at the boys when they were smaller and younger and Leanne and myself were even more ignorant about what to expect from these bundles. I thought this would be cool also considering the eminent arrival of our "Final" Lucas Josiah in the next month or so. I say Final because, it is sad but true, there will be a farewell party taking place on June 27th. Not much of a party for some but others, it will bring a sigh of relief.

1 comment:

Pat Ramos said...

Ohh, the big big day is set, eh?? Great pics and can't wait to see the boys!!MOM