Friday, May 16, 2008

Misc....thoughts, ideas, and happenings

Oh what a day, the sun is shining, the grass is green, and much mischief to get into.
I must explore my vast domain before I am caught.
Look Zachary, a tunnel, let's go in.
I'm such a big boy. Look at me climb.
Have stick, watch me thrash and destroy.....

Just a few things about the boys that we thought were somewhat comical and made us realize that the boys are growing up. Zachary let us know that he had a girlfriend on Wednesday and when we asked him about it on thursday, he said, she doesn't like me anymore, she likes so and so. I told him, hey this is how the world turns. (Ahh...young love????) Also, Zachary showed us a new dance move he learned from someone at daycare with the phrase "Chick a wawa, Chicka wawa". It is pretty fun especially with him moving his groove thing. Hmmm...about Nicholas you ask....Well, he is totally enthralled and somewhat hypnotized by tunnels and so everything now has become a tunnel.

Well today started off as a rainy, cool, and gloomy day, but then turned out to be very nice, so me and boys enjoyed some time outside. The past couple of days had been very rainy, so we were having some cabin fever. Enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey love all the photos...esp the nostalic ones. Not sure what you mean by "this is the final kid".....can you expand on that please? LOL!! jk! please don't. haha.