Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spring days and young explorers...

We decided to enjoy the beautiful day today and do a little backyard exploring which was fun. Also, got to have Nicholas do some grass walking without his shoes. He's not too big on that. Zachary on the other hand could care less. Well in the backyard, the boys enjoyed "painting" with sticks and puddles of water, looked at bugs and handled them (Zachary decided he needed to kill some big loss there), and watched some birds checking out the possiblity of moving into a couple of the bird houses we have. The boys really did enjoy themselves and just proved that you don't need all the fancy gadgets for kids to have fun. All the boys needed were sticks, rocks, and their imagination (very lively imagination at that). Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey that looks like fun. Nate will have to discover lizards, tarantulas, and hopefully NOT rattlesnakes! Forget about walking barefoot in our yard. I forgot what grass feels like. haha.